domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012

mesa blanca

ingredientes que não podem faltar
1. Holy Water,
2. Florida water
3. Candles any kind even tee lites.
4. Spring water
5. Nag champa incense. The one I use the most, or frankincense and myrhh. Or sandalwood.
6. a bible.
7., olive oil.
8. Salt. My grandmother would often say. "Que Falte todo en la casa, menos la Sal. (May everything in the house be missing, with the exception of Salt) Every salt imaginable, epsum salt, kosher salt, sea salt, rock salt, and table salt.

I use the psalms in the bible for everything, as there is a psalms for every causa (spiritual problem) or magical under taking imaginable. I also use, Allan Kardecs book on Selected Prayers, when performing a seance. Also as a Brujo / espiritista, I use every ingredient in the house imaginable, and every almost every item I purchase at a local food market, or Spanish bodega. Sugar, honey, pepper, vinegar, fruits, vegetables, coconuts eggs, cinnamon sticks, mustard seeds, and herbs which I purchase in jars, or even herbal tea bags. I try to buy bulk on Rompe Zaraguey, reserection plant; or mate tea for healing infusions when I go to New York, or Boston, but most I buy in local markets. Such as chamomile, mint, anise seeds, star anise, bay leaves and affordable 7 day saints candles I get at the Hispanic.section.

I prepar most of my working oils with a baby oil, or use plain old Olive oil. Most of the magic I perform is traditional Puerto Rican folk magic, and as such I use items my abuela (grandmother) and aunt taught me. Almost every item in the house can be used for magic, from nails, spare change, to crayons, glitter, brown paper bags,and old wine bottles, everything imaginable with the exception of plastic, or other man made materials.

regra e etica


Madre Sabiduria, Sophia, Wisdom

Fe, Faith = Cross

Esperanza, Hope = Anchor

Caridad, Charity = Heart

  • The Universe is a living, breathing Essence. Sanse, Santerismo, Espiritismo and Brujeria is a method of interacting and communicating with this living energy of the Universe. The Energy has many names, Prana, Mana, Chi, Espiritu Santo, and Aché. This universal energy is transmitted to humans through the personal interaction of Spirits, Souls, the Ancestors, ones dead the Mysteries and Angelic Forces. Its Origin is of Papa Dios, (God)
  • We practice what would be termed as Folk Magic by attuning ourselves to the living energy.
  • This living energy can seize a practitioner of Sanse, Santerismo, and Brujeria at anytime or through, prayer, mediation, communicating with Spirits or Spiritual work.
  • A Santerista, or Brujo, enters their spiritual path through a personal encounter with the Living Energy.
  • Once a Brujo (a), always a Brujo (a). It is part of your genetic makeup.
  • Those who practice Sanse or Santerismo are baptized or initiated into Sanse or Santerismo. but a Brujo, psychic, clairvoyant, or medium is born one, even if an individual comes to realize their gift or place in their Spiritual growth, later on in life. As you are born one, so shall you die one.
  • We practice la obra de la Luz, Fe, Esperaza y la Caridad. (Light, Faith, Hope and Charity) Although some perform malicious practices. We must assume complete responsibilities for our actions and be willing to submit to the consequences.
  • A dis incarnate malicious spirits can be as dangerous and as powerful as a incarnate malicious spirit.
  • Sanse, Santerismo and Brujeria respects the rights, sexual preference, race, color of skin, gender, economic status, and religious beliefs of others.
  • Those who practice Sanse, Santerismo and Brujeria work with Ancestral veneration, Spirit Communication, spiritual healing, Spiritual counseling, divination, spiritual teaching, prayer, meditation, herbalism, and all forms of Saint, Angelic, and folk magic,
  • Those who follow Sanse, Santerismo and Brujeria are people of the people and work for the community. We are all Brothers and Sisters, and children of God, and we pledge to assist our fellow man and woman wherever and whenever needed.
  • Sanse, Santerismo / Espiritismo and Brujeria are not religions, they are spiritual paths, and will enhances ones personal (if any) religious beliefs.
  • An apprentice of Sanse, Brujeria and Santerismo learns the greatest of wisdom from an elder, family member, a spiritual teacher, and family traditions, but most wisdom comes from the Living Energy and the Spirits. Ones Teacher Within.
  • Blood is the most Sacred of Essences. It is a sacred gift from God, But it is of God and for God only to take; and God does not need blood offerings or animal sacrifices, neither do the saints, angels or commissions.
  • Practice always the act of Chivalry, for it has not passed with the knights of old. Have compassion, bravery, courage, courtesy, honor, gallantry, honour, justice, integrity and a readiness to help the weak.
  • It must be acknowledged that thoughts and intents shown on this Earth will return to you in this life or in future reincarnations and into the realm of spirit. So we must exercise discipline because "as you sow, so shall you reap." Whatever you give out to others, will eventually be given back to you. If you sow corn, (corn oil) you will not reap olives. (Olive oil)
  • In all you do, prepare your soul and mind in being like divine. Our main goal of existence is that our Spirit becomes an enlightened one.
  • Your word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. So give out your solemn word, rarely and when you do stick to it with the strength of iron.
  • When giving a consultation through divination or through Spirit, remember that what is said to a client must stay under complete confidentiality.
  • Beware of speaking ill of others, or judging a person because of the view of another, one will never know all the truths behind the matter.
  • He who has a house of glass, should not throw stones.
  • Do not take advantage of the weak, poor, or fellow man.
  • Be mindful and careful of what you say and how you say it, because one day you will swallow your own bitter words.
  • Do not consent in unverified words about another, rumors are often based on lies.
  • Be honest and humble with others and let others know that honesty and humbleness is also what is expected of them. Do not tolerate disrespect or deception.
  • Fury in the moment plays tricks on the truth, Do not act under fury, step back and calm yourself before reacting
  • Always consider the consequences of your actions on others.
  • You have the God given power to protect and defend yourself. Not to protect yourself or defend yourself is being as much accountable for the act as the one who commits the offense.
  • Know when to fight and when to walk away,
  • Dignity, gentle manners and good humor always provoke admiration.
  • As a Medium of God and Spirit you have the power bestowed upon you by God, and your power will grow greatly with age. The wisdom will be bestowed upon you by the Spirits and the Mysteries of God. Use the Gift with Prudence and Discretion.
  • Courage and Honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when empires and mountains have crumbled to dust.
  • The Mysteries of God are as immense as the Universe, and can never be fully learned nor comprehended by any human. No person who lives, will live or has lived, has ever been or ever will be: a living Adept.
  • Life is a process of learning daily and everlasting growth. Every waking day, learn something new.
  • Swear an oath of friendship and loyalty to those who deserve it. Stay clear from those who do not.
  • Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world.
  • The laws of the nation must be obeyed whenever possible and that they are reasonable,
  • Seek perfection in body and mind.
  • How can you honor, respect or love others unless you first learn to honor, respect and love yourself.
  • Your physical body must be treated as the greatest temple of God and your head should be the light from the brightest candle on the altar.
  • Those who follow the Mysteries are the chosen of God, to help in leading humanity to the highest of thrones, and beyond the stars.
  • Above all. Be true and kind towards yourself.

mesa e bo


La Mesa Blanca is the name for the Ancestral and Spiritual Guides shrine in Puerto Rico as well as one of the most popular traditions of espiritismo practiced on the island; Mesa Blanca Espiritismo. (White Table Spiritism). While many outside of Puerto Rico call this ancestral shrine a Boveda, which translates to mean vault or tomb, one must understand that there are some minor differences between both of them.

The Mesa Blanca refers to both the table altars used in veladas and misa espiritules and the private personal shrine in homes of espiritistas and brujos. The private shrine consists of a simple table usually facing towards an Eastern wall, where the sun rises or a Western wall where the sun sets, most prefer to place the Mesa Blanca towards the west. The shrine is usually a small table, or an end table, draped with a white table cloth, white being the color of purity and of the dead. In the center of la Mesa Blanca sits a large goblet filled with fresh clean water, or Holy Water, this is called a Fuente Espiritual. (Spiritual Fountain) Traditionally the Mesa Blanca had only one large Fuente called, El Santisimo, but recently some have also included 3, 7 or 9; always with the larger of the Fuentes in the center, each Fuente has a mystery, the largerbeing El Santisimo, while the others represent, ones Centinella, ones Santo, ones Protector, ones Ancestors, and the remainder for the other spirits of
the 21 Corts of Spirits. Also on the Mesa Blanca you will often find a book of prayers candles, one or two vases full of fresh carnations, an altar bell, and an incense or oil burner. This set up consists of the basic and traditional Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca. Some include photos of dead relatives, on the altar itself or hang them in frames on the wall above the Mesa Blanca. Important! No photos of any one currently alive is kept on or near the altar. Some also include tarot cards, or la baraja Española, a bottle of holy water, alcoholado 70 Superior, (Bay Rum) and a bottle of Florida water. These are used for cleansing, purifying and blessing oneself and for sprinkling on the shrine.

The main Fuente, the larger and central piece of the altar usually has an aluminum or copper metal cross or crucifix within the fuente, this has a lot of spiritual symbolics and mysteries as well. The metal cross acts as an electrical conductor of spiritual energy and currents, that attracts ones spirits and ancestors to the Mesa Blanca. The cross can have or not have the image of a crucified Christ, this is left to the preference of the individual constructing the altar, but what is important to understand that this cross by no means, signifies Christianity. (although in most cases it does, as all spiritists believe in the powerful mystical powers of Christ). The cross or crucifix within the fuente represents the four cardinal virtues which are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, as well as the four cardinal points, north, east, south and west.

The foot of the cross touching the water represents the mysteries of the substance of life, that which humans can not breath, but is of great importance for sustaining life. The cross represents touching and having contract with the realm of spirit, that come from all directions.

The fuentes must be kept clean and fresh with cool clean water also known as los fluidos espiritual. (spiritual fluids). The Fluidos represent cleanliness, purification, clarity, and substances, and lastly life within the unseen. The best way I can explain this is for you to stand before a vast ocean, you will feel the wind, see the waves crashing, see the sun set or rise in the horizon, and see the seagulls fly over head. Now look at the ocean, in those waters exists life. Not seen to the human eye, unless you are lucky and catch a glimpse of an occasional fish or dolphin. Now take a trip on a large boat and go deep into the coasts and if you are blessed you will see a whale. These vast, majestic and beautiful creatures of God share our world, but are not seen unless one looks for them. On your next trip to the Caribbean or Hawaiian islands go deep sea divining, and see the millions of creatures, and coral life that are unseen to the human eye, again unless we look for them.

Water represents this symbol, that life exists although it may not be clearly seen by the naked eye unless one ventures and finds it. Also never use purified water with no contaminants, Purified water, with no contaminants at all, does not conduct enough spiritual currents to an appreciable degree especially when working with spirits. Cold tap water from the kitchen works best.

The Mesa Blanca is a direct physical and material portal or doorway from this plain of existence and the realm of the Dead; and an espiritista uses this altar for prayer, meditation, keeping in contact and communicating with one's deceased relatives and Ancestors. As well as searching for answers from premonitions and prophetic dreams, or for searching for answers in ones daily life. But it is not just that, mainly it is to give reverence and respect for those who lived before us, because it is on their shoulders that we stand, and for this alone, they deserve the most highest of respect and reverence.

The Seres are never feed directly on la Mesa Blanca. It is widely believed in Puerto Rico that this will attract unwanted greedy and gluttonous spirits. The offerings for ones spirits are usually placed on the dining table or on another table. The offering to ones ancestors or dead relatives is never placed on the floor, because the symbolic of keeping the offering elevated from the floor is a symbol of keeping one's dead elevated in the spiritual realm. The offerings usually consist of black coffee, fruits, cakes, sweets candies, liquor and tobacco. If ones dead relatives smoked tobacco in life, a cigar or cigarette is always placed, but if they did not, then obviously the tobacco is not offered. This offering is left out the whole day, and thrown away at the end of the night, with the exception of liquids and tobacco which can be kept much longer. Fruits can be kept much longer, and afterwards can be used to make spiritual baths.

Smaller portions of the offerings are also given to the gluttonous and greedy spirits, that I mentioned earlier, these offerings are placed on the floor in a corner near the altar, and again at the end of the night these offerings are thrown out. These offerings usually consist of coffee and tobacco. A protective circle is made with salt or cascarilla to keep these spirits from venturing anywhere but that area.

Some individuals do place the tobacco and liquid offerings such as liquor or coffee on the altar, these are not removed daily but kept on the altar until the spirits drink of It's energy, you might be amazed to come the next day and see a liquid offering half empty.

The Mesa Blanca must always be kept clean and white at all times, the Fuentes must be cleaned and refilled with fresh water once a week, or if and when they begin to turn cloudy, remember good spirits and ancestors thrive on clarity, cleanliness and order. The flowers like the fruits should be discarded as soon as they show signs of withering, or after seven days, and are used to make a spiritual bath.

There are three steps one must take when approaching the Mesa Blanca, the first is one must always make the sign of the cross with the right hand, when approaching the altar, next with both hands using the knuckles of the middle and index fingers, knock on the altar three times, and then ring the bell and salute your dead. On the altar is kept the book of prayers and you can open the book and recite a prayer, or say the Our Fathers and Hail Marys.

Tarot cards or a baraja Española can also be kept on the altar because, they are a sacred tool in Santerismo and Brujeria for communicating with ones spirits. The deck becomes a vessel in which ones spirits communicate with the living. A Ouija board is often found upon and is never used in Caribbean spiritism, it is believed to attract unwanted intranquil, disturbed and perturbed spirits.


The boveda is a beautiful ancestral altar from the Afro Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado and Santeria tradition. Similar to the Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca in that it is draped in a white table cloth. But the Boveda often has one pictures or statue of Saint and various statues or photos of the principle guide and other Protectores (protecting spirits) from the 21 commissions of spirits, such as indians, gypsies, congos or madamas on the altar. The mesa blanca and the boveda are not altars to the Saints, but the reason why status or photos of these saints and Guias are placed on the boveda is because the Saints and the Guia make up an individuals Familia de Cuadro Espiritual "spiritual Family Frame" Another difference is that although the Boveda is drapped in a white cloth, hanging from the edges of the boveda are 9 various colored paños, (cloths) 9 being the sacred number associated with the dead. (Las Novenas) the various colors of the cloths represents the various cultures and races that can make up a person family lineage, if one looks back as far as they can.

(Example: I am of Puerto Rican dissent, on my mothers side, my grandfather had Russian and German blood, my grandmother was of Spanish Castillian, and Creole blood, on my father's side, my grandfather was Spanish and Taino Indian, while my grandmother was Taino Indian and Spanish Gypsy. My eldest daughters mother is French and Irish, and my granddaughter has southern black blood.)

Another difference in the boveda and la mesa blanca is that offerings to ones dead, such as cakes, cigars, liquor and coffee, can be placed on the boveda, although some individuals do not.

In keeping with family tradition, I keep the Mesa Blanca, although I am fond of Bovedas.

Constructing the Mesa Blanca

Choose a table in the house, an old dresser or an old nigh stand or an end table, will work fine. Make sure this table has been in your belonging for some time and has absorbed your energy. A brand new purchased table has not had the contact it needs to absorb your energy. If you find an old family table or dresser in your attic this will be perfect. Dust it off and clean it down with a mixture of Florida water, holy water and a bit of household cleaner and disinfectant. Dry off the table with a clean white cloth, and smudge it down with an incense mixture of frankincense and myrrh, tobacco smoke or sage and lavender. Never burn cedar, as the cedar tree is considered a sacred and powerful tree and known as the Tree of Life. Cover the table with a brand new white table cloth.

Now get your goblets organized, purchase simple glass goblets, fish bowls wine glasses or clear drinking glasses in pairs of two, four, six or eights, and one larger one. Make sure the goblets are clear, thin with no designs or markings. I personally like to keep things simple and have one large one and two smaller ones on each side. Wash the glasses with a mild detergent and cold water. Then fill them with ice cold water and arrange them on the altar. To each side of the smaller Fuente place a white 7 day candle and a vase of fresh white flowers. Also arrange your incense burner and silver bell on the altar. In the beginning it is important to keep the Mesa Blanca simple, more does not mean better


Many Mesa Blancas and Bovedas often keep three books on the shrine. La Fe en la Oracion, the Bible, and Allen Kardec's book on selected prayers. These books are tools mainly used for Veladas and Misas and should never be used as crutches when speaking to ones dead and ancestors. Speak to them as you would speak to the living. Every morning greet them and every night bid them a good night, or ask them to come along with you in your dreams. Always talk to them with kind loving words. At first you might feel awkward and not know what to say, but with persistence and time and as your confidence level grows the words will flow through you. Tell them how your day went or ask them to accompany you during the day.

If you are troubled or distressed, breath deeply and calm your nerves, never approach your shrines with a heavy heart, or a mind full of troubles. Take a shower and cleanse and purify yourself before approaching the altar, when calm go to the altar and ask the spirits to aid you in finding peace or to help you find a solution or an answer to what you seek in your dreams. (Ones dead always speak through dreams)

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the Lord. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those last days of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy." Acts 2: 17/18

Never approach your altars with anger, remorse, pride or petty gossip, keep the vibrations of your altars clean.

Before one makes any offering of any kind, first present it to your forehead, then your chest and lastly to your lips, By doing so you are demonstrating to your dead that your thoughts are with them, your love is with them and you give them a bit of your essence of life.

Every seven days clean your altar, remove the water, buy throwing it around the outside of your house for protection, or use it to simmer the petals of the flowers for a spiritual bath. The candles are discarded and new ones are placed. The altar cloth is washed and a cleaner one is placed, fresh flowers are placed and fresh incense is burned.



the mesa Blanca and boveda are never used for magical purposes, they are used as a focal point for spirit. But one can send the spirits to work for a purpose by creating a code with the fuentes. These four codes are the most popular.

When asking for protection from your spirits, place 8 of the glasses filled with ice water and a bay Laurel leaf in each glass, surrounding the larger fuente, this is especially helpful in court matters and protection in general.

When a novena, or velada is being done, one sends the spirits to work by creating a V structure with the Fuentes. This is called Menguante, the largest fuente is placed in the back while four on either side is arranged to make a V like structure. Menguante is done to remove or banish spirits that cause obstacle in our lives.

Cressiente is the structure to bring forth positive and good spirits. The larger Fuente is placed in the front, while the smaller ones create the V.

The Piramede, or the pyramid is used to send the spirits to work in helping a spirit of a recently deceased individual go into the light and elevating their spirit. Used frequently during the Novenas this is creating by placing three fuentes in a row, two on top, of the three and one on top of the two. The larger fuente is placed in front of the pyramid, and a white candle is placed on either side of the piramede.

Darle Hielo, is used to cool the bad temperament of a spirit. The Fuentes are filled with ice, no water, the ice is left to melt naturally. This cools down the temperament of a stubborn spirit with a bad temper. When the ice is melted into water, the water is thrown out and away from the home.



Every traditional Puerto Rican home has some of these items in their pantries or bathroom cabinets. Traditionally these items where used as colognes, rubbing alcohols, or for bathing. Today many Spiritual Workers and Brujos use these items to make spiritual baths, house cleansing, or washes, and to remove negative vibrations from the home. All these items can be found in Caribbean Latino Bodegas, (food markets) Botanicas and online. Recently I have found them in Grocery stores in the Hispanic section. A true Brujo never purchases premade baths or oils, we make them ourselves. None of these items are made for internal intake or consumption.

Agua Bendita: No home should be without Holy water, it removes negative vibrations, keeps evil spirits away, heals, used to remove evil. Never purchase Holy Water, gather some in a church, but be respectful and leave an offering.

Agua Maravilla: Used to heal acne, scars scratches, minor burns, reduces swelling.

Alcolado 70 Superior: Used when cleansing a body, during pases, cleansing the aura, healing with the power or prayer and the hands. Add to bath water to help in quick recovery from colds and flues. A person who has a temperature is rubbed down with it. Used as a floor wash or spray in the room of a sick individual.

Alcolado Mentolado: Mainly used as a rubbing alcohol for the sick, placed in a simmering pot to cleanse and purify the air. Sprinkled on the bed of a person who is ill will help them recover quicker. Rub on individuals to aid in reducing fever. Other popular alcoholado are Alcolado Relampago and Alcolado w/Eucalyptus

Añil: Indigo Blue Balls. Used to remove psychic attacks, dispel demons, used with florida water in Misas to keep evil spirits away. Used in baths to remove bad

Arnica pomada: Used to heal bruises, minor burns, simple scratches and cracked or chapped skin.

Azahar Orange Flower: Used in love baths, to attract a mate or lover.

Camphor: Alcamfor, Used to dispel and remove negative vibrations, promote calm sleep, cleanse and purify. Used in baths to treat colds, or skin irritations, or in a humidifier to help relieve congestion. Sooth minor burns relieve insect bites.

Cocoa Butter: For healing dry skin, moisturizing, facials, healing cuts or wounds.

Colonia Agua Floral : To cleanse an aura, calm nerves, and remove negative vibrations.

Colonia Agua de Ruda: Remove the evil eye, bring peace to a disturbed individual, calm a troubled person, used as a floor wash to calm the house.

Colonia Kananga Water: To remove the evil eye, black magic or curses. Used to clean the house from negative vibrations and appeasing the spirits of the dead.

Colonia patchouli, Colonia Abre Caminos, Colonia Dominante: Colonias come in many different fragrances, and are all great for spiritual baths and house cleansing. Add to your herbal infusions.

Florida Water: Cleansing and purification. Remove tension, Aleves minor headaches, caused by tension or evil eye. Cleanse the home.

Jabon Zote: used to wash ritual clothing, altar cloths, great after shampoo to combat oily hair, soap used for spiritual baths before spiritual work, mosquito repellent, and keep rodents away. Placed on altars to keep bugs away from offerings.

Hoyt's Cologne: Used by men before shaving, and as an after shave, contracts the pores, a mild astringent that soothes and heals skin abrasions caused by shaving.

Kolomia 1800: add to herbal teas for spiritual baths, and cleaning the home.

MASLAC manteca de Ubre: For muscle tension. Many santiguadores use this product, it was a staple in my house.

Mutton Tallow: Used to treat cold sores, chapped hands, skin and lips, and for the relief of sunburn

Pompeya Lotion: Used in baths to attack luck, and prosperity, Calms stress, and agitation, it soothes, comforts and calms for a restful sleep.

Rose Water : Used for love baths, romance, attraction, and peace in relationships.

Siete Machos Cologne: Used for men in baths to attract women, make a man more sexually appealing, to win over a woman, and in luck with games of chance and gambling.

Tranquil Balsam: Sprinkle on wrists or forehead to soothe nerves, worries and anxiety.

Violetas Francesas Cologne, Agua de Violetas, Royal Violets Cologne: for spiritual baths.

pretos e pretas velhas

Names of Some Madamas

Negra Tomasa
Ma Fransisca
Dońa Elena
Doña Amparo
Tia Maria Calunga
Negra Josefina
Maria de la Luz
Maria Conga
Ma Cesilia
Ma Anabel
Mai Maria Cuatro Costal
Negra Ophelia
Ma Juana
Mama Ela

Music. Bomba and Plena
Offerings. Tobacco and black unsweetened coffee.
Color. Orange and Red
Flowers. Carnation
Patron Saint. San Martin de Porres
Ascended Spirit. Afra
Names of Congos and Negritos

Ta Jose
Negro Francisco
Negro Felipe
Candelo el Negrito
Pa Tomas
Pai Jose
Hermano Juan
El Prieto Candido
Congo de Guinea
Hermano Moises
Tata Jaquin

comissiones sanse

varias classificações
The Pantheon of the
Puerto Rican Sanse Misterios

Los Misterios de Sanse simiar to Dominican 21 Division, Diviciones

Within the Pantheon of Haitian Vodou the Lwa are categorized within 5 various Nations "Nanchons" of Spirits, which are as follow.

Rada Nation
Petro Nation
Guede Nation
Kongo Nation
Nago Nation

The word Lwa is the Haitian Creole word for Law, and is pronounced Lalwa. "La Luwah"

Rada Lwa

The Rada Lwa are the highly elevated ancient Spirits who have their roots in Africa. These Spirits where honored, venerated, worshiped and brought to the New World with the Slave Trade. Within the Rada Division, the Cosmic forces and Spiritual Forces of nature are honored. Many Orishas from Santeria, Candomble, Umbanda, Santerismo, Shango and Obeah also fall within this Division. They are generally benevolent spirits and as a whole are associated with the element of air and the color white, although singularly each Orisha and Lwa control a force of nature, or element, each has his or her own associated color and numbers.

Some Rada can also have Petro aspects which are considered to be much more harsher and aggressive than the more peaceful and benevolent Rada Lwa, some say that these Rada Lwa with Petro traits are aspects, "vueltas" or roads, "caminos" while others argue they are different entities altogether.

Petro Lwa

The Petro / Pretho Lwa have their origin within the New World, and they tend to be more aggressive than the peaceful Rada. The name Petro comes from Don Juan Felipe Pedro "Jean Philippe Petro, Ti Jean Petro" a Negro Slave of the Dominican Republic who in 1768 learned to harness the darker aspects or sides of the Lwa, as well as the native spirits of the land, becoming a powerful and well renowned Papa Boko. The Petro Lwa became very popular within the island of Hispañola especially in Haiti. In Cuba these forces are known as the Inquices or Mpungo. As a whole they are associated with the element fire and the color red.

Ghede Lwa

The Ghede Lwa are often viewed as benevolent Spirits of the Dead who are in the transition state of reaching Rada status, and still some Ghede are waiting to reincarnate or resurrect into the material plane. They are great healers, protecters of children and often have a mischievous, and trickster like nature to them.

The Ghede fall into the biggest group of Lwa and fall in between the Rada and Petro, and their mischievous nature is often misunderstood.

They are the messengers or mouthpiece to the dead as well as highly elevated spirits, and also are known to help transport dead souls into other planes of existence. Many also help in opening the pathways between the realm of the Living and the realm of the Dead. As a whole their color is black.

The Kongo Lwa

The group of Loases have their origins within the Congo region of Africa. This group of Lwa include the Simbi division mostly venerated in Haitian Vodou, and the Mpongo Spirits venerated in Palo Monte and Palo Mayombe. While the Rada represent Cosmic and Natural Forces, the Petro and Congo embody human traits, desires and emotions. They are fierce, and often hot tempered spirits. There color as a whole is Blue.

Nago Lwa

The Nago nation includes many aspects or roads of the Orisha Oggun, or the Lwa Ogou, such as Ogum, Ogou Balendjo, Ogun Panama, Ogun Zarabanda, Gran Ogun Batala, Ogou Sango, and so forth. Originating from the Ogun state in present day Nigeria as well as Benin and Osun, the Ogun are associated with Fire and Metal, and manifest their energy through labor and hard work. They have the power to destroy and create and are the great Leaders of battles. They are blacksmith, and rulers of weapons and all metals. They are envisioned as warriors, generals or soldiers, as they always carry a weapon such as a Sword, or a Machete. Traditionally the name Ogun is similar to a surname or last name for Nago Lwa although the name Ogun or Ogou comes first.

While the Haitians classify their Lwa into 5 nations, The Misterios "Loases" of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico classify them into 21 divisions.

The Dominican Republic 21 Divisions are

The Leguas
The Ogunes
The Guedes
The Rodas
The Lokos
The Lokomis
The Petos
The Simbis
The Petifones
The Marasa
The Zombis
The Indios
The Nagos
The Congos
The Guineas
The Niñillos
The Caes
The Dangueles
The Shuques
The Piues
The Difemayos

In Puerto Rico there is a slight variation. The Sanse Misterios are.


Within Puerto Rican Sanse the most venerated are the Siete Sanses or Siete 7 Jefes of the Sanse Pantheon, which is similar in concept to the Seven African Powers.

Los Siete Jefes del Sanse

los Siete JEFES del Sanse

Anaisa la Chiquita
Santa Marta Dominadora
La Madre Dolorosa
Belie Belcan
Ogun Belando
Baron del Cementerio

Some societies or families differ and may include, Luis El Guedesito, Pa Viejo, Cachita Tumbo, Amalia Belcan, Ofelia Balendo, Agua Dulce or Rio Tempestoso. It is important to note that not all Sanse Societies venerate the same Misterios.

La Siete Potencias Africana


Also Babalu Aye, Ochosi and Oya.

In tern these 21 Divisions are broken down into three major Divisions, each Division has 7 Seven main Jefes or Chiefs that rule over that particular Punto. So you have 3 Divisions which has 7 Puntos, and 7 times 3 equals 21. Some Puerto Rican societies include the Commissions as well. Again each sociedad or familia will have variations on what constitutes the 7 Jefes of Sanse.
It is not that we do not respect the other Misterios, its that the 7 Jefes are the most widely respected, or known on the island both within Brujeria and Sanse.

The White Division "Air Division"
The Black Division "Fire Division"
The Indian Division "Water Division"

The Earth Division is made up of those Spirits, or Saints that are close to the Material plane these spirits as a whole are known as the Commissions, or Cortes and the Punto to the Comisiones is ones Guardiana spirit known as El Centinela.

The Misterios / The Loases


Alejo is Saint Alex

Anaisa Pyé / Anaisa la Chiquita =
Saint Anne July 26th / Joan of Arc. Colors : Yellow and White
Baron Del Cementerio / Baron del Monte = Saint Elijah
Day 17th of April or 20th of July
Colors Black and White

Barón Sandi / Papa Guede is San Gerardo Feast Day, October 16, colors Black and Red.

Belié Belcan is Saint Michael, Feast Day, Sept 29th, colors green and red

Bakúlu Baká is Saint Philip, Feast Day November 14. Colors Blue and Green.

Candelina is Our Lady of Candelaria, Feast Day, Febuary 2
Colors Red and Blue

Candelito is The Divine Child, Feast Day December 25, colors Pink and Blue.

Candelo Cedife is Saint Charles
Colors Red White, Black

Candelo del Monte / Candelo de la Escoba is Saint Martin de Porres, feast day, November 3 colors Red, White and Black.

Cachita Tumbo is Our Lady of Charity. Madonna della Neve, Feast Day, Sept 8
Orange and Yellow

Chango Macho is Saint Barbara, Feast Day December 4th, colors Red and White.

Clementina is the Virgen Milagrosa, colors, White and Blue

Centinela is Saint Sebastián

Centinela Criminel is Saint Pancracio

Damballah is Saint Patrick. Feast Day March 17th. Colors: White and Green

Ezili Ailá (Alaíla) is Our Lady of High Grace Feast Day, January 21, Colors: White, Blue

Ezili Danthó is Saint Barbara Africana, Feast Day December 4, colors Blue, Yellow, Green.

Filomena Lubana is Saint Martha Dominator. Feast Day, July 29, colors, purple and green.

Ghuede Gran Bwa is Saint Jude, Saint Cristopher, Feast Day October 28, colors Red, Blue and Green.

Gran Soliér is Jesus of Nazareth, Feast Day, December 6, colors Yellow, Gold, white and Orange..

Gran Toro (Toroliza) Christ of Good hope, color red and purple

Guedé Limbó San Expedito

La Gunguna is Saint Ellen

Juan Bakéo is Saint Peter, colors, Red, Brown and Green

Juan Ferroz is Saint Marcos Evangelist, Feast Day April 25, colors Red and Yellow.

Juan Kriminelo (Jan Kriminel or Juan Criminal ) is Saint Pancracio

Papa Legba is Saint Anthony, His color is brown and his feast day is June 13.

Luis Guede is Child of Atocha, His colors are Red and Black, his feast day is December 25.

Marassa is Saints Cosmo and Damian. Their colors are Red and Green Rojo/Red, Verde/Green and feast day is September 26.

Marta La Bruja is Saint Martha

Metresili is Our Lady of Sorrows, Her colors are Pink, Baby Blue and White. Her feast day is September 15.

Ofelia Balendjo is Our Lady of Mercy, Her colors are white, light blue and clear, and his feast day is September 24.

Ogun Balendjo is Saint James, His colors are Red and Blue, his feast day is july 25th.

Ogun Fegai is Saint Jorge, His colors are White and Red. His feast day is April 23.

Ogun Batala is Saint Martin of Tours, His colors: White and Red. His feast day is November 11

Osanjin is Saint Franscise

La Sirena is Estrella Maris Blue. Her colors are Blue and White, Her feast day is September 7th.

La Señorita is Saint Claire. Her colours: White and Yellow, Her feast day: August 11

Rosita Guedelia Legba is Saint Rose of Lima.

Tindjo Alague is San Rafael

This is not the 21 DIVISION as practiced in The Dominican Republic, it is the Misterios that are venerated in Puerto Rican Sanse. Each Sociedad will vary on which Misterios are part of the Division.


THE 21 Cortes / Commissions of Spirits
in Puerto Rican Espiritismo


Las 21 Commisiones Espirituales del Espiritismo Puertoriqieno.



In Puerto Rican Espiritismo, there exists various Courts or Gathering Groups of Spirits known collectively as Las Commisiones. This group of spirits are part of an individuals Cuadro Espiritual, "spiritual frame" and make up a cadena espiritual, "spiritual chain" or Enlace,Espiritul "Spiritual link," with a person. On an Espiritista's tableau (altar) one will often see statutes or framed photos of Saints, Angels, pagan gods, indigenous spirits, Asian and Hindu gods, gypsies, spiritual animals, or mythical creatures all sharing a space on one altar. This makes up that particular Espiritistas, Cuadro Espiritul. But with one central piece usually being the largest, and that one being the Guia Espiritual. Or the larger can be a Guardian Angel, or an aspect of the Virgin Mary or a Saint, with a smaller statue of the Guia Espiritual towards the right side of the larger. One thing to note while a Principle Guide can often share space on a tableau. A Saint or a guardian angel should never be placed on a Fuente Espiritual. A fuente espiritual, "spiritual fountain" is an altar dedicated in the memory of Ancestral Spirits. Similar to an Afro Cuban Santeria boveda. My next blog will be on the Fuente Espiritual, the tableau altar and the Mesa Blanca.

Although I mention 21, there are more, these listed here are the Commisiones that work la obra de la Luz, the Way of the Light, and work for the Sancista and the Espiritista; in Obras espirituales "Spiritual Work" usually for the greater good of the person, "working with them" and the community. But can also be used in protection, fighting Spiritual warfare, and healing. They also work in helping a person with the development of their faculties, spiritual work, spell casting,amenities, spiritual growth, bestowing insightful messages, answer and solutions to every day problems, just to name a few things they can do

Every human has one, two and sometimes three or more of these Spiritual Forces that make up an individuals Cuadro Espiritual. But with one being a person's central Guia Principal. (Principle Guide). You will often hear an Espiritista when giving a consultation or santiguando / limpia "a spiritual cleansing" say to an individual. You have a Cadena with a Gypsi, or a Marinero, or that a Madama follows you. Or that the person has an Indian Spirit that walks with him / her. Or that the person is spiritually married to a Cacique Indian, or even has a strong Spiritual link with a Congo Spirit. One thing is for certain each individual has a Patron Saint and a Guardian Angel that is part of the individuals Spiritual Frame and also a Principle Guide. The trained Espiritista can determine from the group of Commisiones which one is a person's Guia Principal (Principle Guide) through a Spiritual Mass or Seance, in which the Guia Principal will be the first spirit to manifest and mount the Espiritista or try and take possession of a person head through a Baptismal ceremony, and therefor claiming that persons head. Other ways of determining ones Guia Principal, can be done through divination, while under a trance, or through dreams. While an Espiritista determines which is a persons Guia Primcipal, they also can determine a persons Partron Saint or Angel de la Guarda, (Guardian Angel) in the same manner. Through a Misa Espiritual "Spiritual Mass," a Sesion "seance" or baptismal." Although a Patron Saints and a Guardian Angel can be determined in the same manner, they can also be determined by analyzing a persons family lineage, or the day a person was born to see if it correlates to the day of a Patron Saint, or Guardian Angel.

The belief in past lives and Reincarnation play a pivotal and major role in Espiritismo. The spirits are a chain or link to a persons past life and not only can they be Guias Principales but also can be either a lover, or a spouse from a past life, an ancient ancestral spirit, a departed family member, or even the culture or race the person was in a past life.

Usually the person has strong qualities or traits of the Guia Principal, that is often compared to that of astrology and the zodiac. For example, if the individual is flirtatious or loves to dance and dress in extravagant clothing, a Espiritista will say, they have a Gypsy spirit with them. Or the person loves to go fishing, enjoys the sea or could be a bit of a kleptomaniac, the person has a spiritual link or chain with a pirate spirit. Or an adult person has a mischievous nature, enjoys pranks, and often gets into trouble they have an Infantil. During a seance, fiesta espiritual or a spiritual mass, the person mounted by a spirit will display traits of that particular spirit. Note that it is not unheard of, that two spirits from the Commision are at odds and fighting for a persons head, and trying to be the main Principle Guide. When this happens, the person shows traits of both spirits.

There are Comisiones also that do harm, bring upon illness, diseases, mental problems, disorder and financial difficulties to name a few of the calamities to a person. This group of spirits are our own inner demons. This group of spirits has a link with an individual usually trying to find justice from a wrong or an injustice done unto them, from a past life, seek payment from a past dept, or dealing with a past life curse.

1. COMMISIONES DE CHAMANES, BRUJOS, YERBATEROS, TRABAJADORES ESPIRITUALES. - They aid in magic, herbalism, healing, visions, knowledge of omens,
Offerings - Aguardiente, black unsweetened coffee.
Candle - Green, Brown


2. COMMISIONES DE GITANOS AND GITANAS. - Gypsies, They aid in Divination, Fortune Telling, palmistry, love, and passion. Offerings - Crystals, tarot cards, playing cards, Aguardiente Liquor. Cigarettes.
Candle - Red, Black

3. COMMISIONES DE MADAMAS Y MADAMOS - Negra Thomasa, Nego Jose. They are the care takers, those that aid in the home, and protection of the family and children.
Offerings - Corn Meal, okra, coffee, cigars
Candle colors - Red or white.

4. COMMISIONES DE PIRATAS Y MARINEROS. - Roberto Cofresí Ramirez de Arellano / el pirata Capitan Confresi, Capitan Henry Morgan. They symbolize courage, strength, fearless hearts, overcoming adversity.
Offering. Rum, sugarcane, cigars.
Color Candles. Red, black, white.

5. COMMISIONES DE INDIOS Y CACIQUES. - Los Tainos. The Buhuitihu, They aid in Spiritual warfair, judicial matters, patience, searching, aiding one in finding wisdom and knowledge of pre-Columbian spirits and Spiritual forces.
Offerings - tobacco, black coffee, corn meal. Candle - Blue, Yellow.

6. COMMISIONES DE LOS ORIENTALES. El Buddha, Guanyin. They aid in money matters, luck, the lottery, luck in love, financial gain, and better business
Offering - Citrus fruits, incense. Candle - pink, red.

7. COMMISIONES DE LOS ARABES. - They aid with the Wisdom of the magical forces of the Djjinn Offering garbanzo beans, garlic, flat bread, Olive Color Candles. Green and Black. oil.

8. COMMISIONES MEDICAS / SANTIGUADORES / CURANDERA. - Jose Gregorio Hernandez They aid in all health matters, healing, finding a cure. Medacine and herbalism. Offering - herbal teas of all sorts. Candle, white. yellow.

9. COMMISIONSES DE LOS CONGOS. - Pa Francisco, Ma Francisca. The Congo Spirits are that group of Spirits who in Africa where Kings, Queen, of Royal heritage or important nobile figures in Africa but where slaves in the Americas. Pai Fransisco, Mai Fransisca, el Congo and La Kongas. They aid in Black Magic, defending against occult enemies and protection.
Offerings - Cigars, Rum, okra, corn meal, tobacco and coffee
Candle Color - Black,Brown, Orange, and Purple .

10. COMMISIONES DE LOS SANTOS. The Saints all have their own attributes.
Each saint has its own color candle and offering.

11. COMMISIONES DE LOS HINDU. - Hindu The wisdom of the Hindu Gods. 7 multi color candle.

Each Angel has their own Color Candle and offering. White.

13. COMMISIONES DE LOS ESCLAVOS. Negra Amparo, Negro Felipe, Negro Jose, Negra Elena. They aid in courage, obstacles, hard work, and patience.
Offering - same as Madama and Congo Candle - White Purple,

14. COMMISIONES DE LOS INFANTILES. Nino Divino, Nino de Atocha. This group of spirits are tricksters, who play pranks on humans, But can be very protective.
Offerings - coins, candy, toys, sweets. Candle, yellow, orange.

15 COMMISIONES DE LAS BENDITA ANIMAS Y ANIMA SOLAS. - Juan Minero, Maria Celestina Abdegano, Fransisca Durante. These Spirits will aid you in any undertaking as long as you offer them prayers, and light.
Offering - Holy Water, Ice cubes, any liquor or drink to quench their thirst.
Candle - Red Black

16. COMMISIONES DE LIBERTADORA. -This group aids you in wisdom, study, and court trials, freedom and liberation.
Offering - Brandy, Cigars.
Color - White, Yellow.

17. COMMISIONES DE LOS VAGABUNDOS, Y BOHEMIOS. - This group aids in poetry, written letters, music. Offerings, toast, bread or crackers. Candle, Brown, Green.

18. COMMISIONES DE LOS HEROES Y LIDERS. - This group of spirits aid you in battles of all kinds.
Candle, White.

19. COMMISIONES AFRICANA. - Spirits that followed Los Misterios in life, the Orisha , Nikisi, and Lwa. They are the messengers of the Misterios and when they come down will show many characteristics of the Orisha and Lwa.
Offering - each spirit has his/her own preferable offering.
7 Color Candle.

20. COMMISIONES ELEMENTALES. - Cuatro Vientos. Maria de los Cuatro Costales. This group of spirits fall under the four cardinal points, spirits of the Four Elements.
Each element has its own color and offering.

21. COMMISIONES DE LOS JUANES Y LAS MARIAS. - Juan Negro, Juan Indio Juan del Tabacco. Maria de la Luz. This group kept the.secrets knowledge and wisdom of their people hidden and alive for future generations, and will aid you. In life they where not born with the name Juan or Maria, but where changed buy their white masters or because of religion.